My segment on “Reinvent Yourself with More Magazine” is airing right on the home page of my web site! Just click on the word “Home” above, and you can’t miss it. It’s the top video, with the photo of both Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl and 500 Acres and No Place to Hide front and center. I have to thank my incredible friends at Salon Emage for doing my hair and makeup (Charla and Shauna, you are the best!), and give an extra special shout out to Charla who stayed with me the entire 100-degree day to make sure I didn’t melt in front of the camera. You are an angel, girlfriend. My deepest thanks also to the talented and beautiful Kim Petro of Joslyn Place Photography who braved the temps to take pics of the entire endeavor. Many thanks also to producer Jeanne Kelly and More marketing director Ann Baird for selecting me for inclusion. It was an honor and I do hope you enjoy it!