Random acts of kindness and generosity make my day. Doing them for others, receiving them out of the blue, those things make me smile and renew my faith in the goodness of humankind.

But there are things we should think twice about before paying them forward. For instance, if someone steals our parking spot and we get angry, we shouldn’t take it out on the clerk in the dry cleaners. Or if we have a really lousy day we shouldn’t walk into the house and rain misery all over the kids or the dog. Well, maybe the kids… Kidding!

I had one of those crappy days recently and I honestly couldn’t wait to share it with my mom, get it off my chest, hear her advice, feel better and then, what? Leave her with my crap to feel awful about for the rest of her day. Nope. Didn’t do it. That’s not the kind of thing I want to pay forward. It happens though. Nobody’s perfect. And while I’m all for being “cool” with my flaws, that’s one I’d like to be rid of.

I’m talking about it on the new episode of Flaws Are The New Black. Join the conversation. I’d love to hear from you!

Susan xo