How to Get a Literary Agent

How to Get a Literary Agent

How do you get a literary agent? First, have a dear friend whose former college roommate just happens to be a literary agent. Ask that dear friend to make an introduction and wa la! You’ve landed an agent. But what if you don’t have a dear friend whose...
Forget perfection

Forget perfection

When I write, I start with all good intentions. I open a new Word document, stare at the empty whiteness, and flee immediately to the safety of the Lifestyle section on Of course, I need to read the “Top 25 Ways to Look Younger” before I write a word. I’m 58...
There’s a Bear by the Pool!

There’s a Bear by the Pool!

It’s half an hour until wine time on Saturday afternoon and I’m in the sun room curled up on one of our bright yellow recliners, desperate to finish the last few pages of Liane Moriarity’s The Hypnotist’s Love Story. I’ve been hypnotized by all its pages and now,...