BOUNCE: A Memoir of Resilience

BOUNCE: A Memoir of Resilience

Available NOW!

Former cancer caregiver and forever autism mom Susan McCorkindale knows a thing or two about resilience: How to discover it within us, strengthen it, and maximize it with gratitude to bounce back from life’s uncertainties stronger, more optimistic, and open to new options and opportunities. In Bounce: A Memoir of Resilience she shares not just her story, but the tools readers can use to bounce back – and stay back – too.

Read the Prologue and the first two chapters FREE here!

Make Peace with Your Grief and Watch Where It Leads You

TEDx Tysons

About Susan McCorkindale

Susan McCorkindale is a motivational TEDx Speaker, author of two Amazon bestselling memoirs, and host of the online series, “Flaws Are the New Black.”

Her first book, Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl, chronicles her move – with her husband and two sons – from suburban New Jersey to a 500-acre beef cattle farm in the wilds of Virginia. Her follow-up, 500 Acres and No Place to Hide: More Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl, is both heartbreaking and side-splittingly funny as our favorite fake farm girl navigates her husband’s very real cancer diagnosis.

A popular keynote speaker known for her high-energy, humorous, and captivating presentations, Susan speaks frequently on the topics of resilience, grief, and the role of humor in helping people bounce back and stay back.

Flaws Are the New Black

From the Blog

Write drunk. Edit sober.

Write drunk. Edit sober.

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Why is my mouth open?

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Things I’ve learned

Things I’ve learned

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